The beautiful sites around camp

 Dear Friends and Supporters, 

It’s early evening here at camp. The campers are settling into their cabin groups, have had dinner and are getting to know one another.  Tonight we will have games and a beautiful campfire. After two years of being away from camp it is hard to describe how much it means to all of us to be back. There is a sense of joy, excitement and energy abounding. The lake is calm and serene, the sun still shining even as it starts to show signs of setting soon for the night. 

We are truly grateful to be entrusted with your children and to be able to share together the magic of camp. We hope over the next few days you will get a glimpse of the magic we experience here at camp though the pictures, stories and videos we will share. We will also introduce you to our team of volunteers and highlight some of the amazing sites around camp.

We will also be sharing stories and highlighting our amazing volunteers and stories of our generous supporters and friends. 

As the night approaches here are some pictures of the beautiful place we will call home for the next week. 

Yours in camping 


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